Don's 8th & 9th Pick3 Predictions
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Don's 9th Prediction
(Play Began Thursday, May 17, 2001)


Friday, June 8, 2001 - 9:15 AM - The last 19 days have been as difficult days as I have ever had in attempting to derive profits for readers of The arrival of 822, the double digit, has signaled a much needed re-evaluation and analysis of what took place and how a better forecast could have emanated. In paragraph 3 of my message to readers on June 6, I explain the difficulty in the selection of 822 on June 7. It is my hope that some of the loyal readers of were successful in the correct selection of this extremely rare numerical situation. For now, please do not play the Pick3 game and of course best regards. Don

Thursday, June 7, 2001 - 10:30 PM - CEASE PLAY - From Dawn - Sorry ya'll but I have to say we lost on this play. The double digit came in but it was 822 - Ironically Don was looking for the two digit sum of 12 and it came in a three digit sum instead of what he chose. There's no getting around it - Don missed this one. So until the next play - save your pennies. I'm sure Don will send us a message tomorrow afternoon and I'll post it when I receive it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 3:30 pm - On Monday, I recommended 330, 998, 889, 667, 993, 112, 113, 663, 988. The result on Monday of 427 did not effect my recommendation but on Tuesday, the number 340 had many similarities to 330, 112, and 113. That is because I was expecting the 2 digit sum of 03 or 12 to be contained in the number in the back or split position. I incorrectly selected the 3 to go with the 30 instead of the correct outcome 340.

To those of you have read my writings, you know I do not advise playing the pick 3 game often and my recommendations have not materialized as I have explained. Having said that, This is a time when I would urge all the readers of and their friends and their relatives and their friends relatives to play. There are very rare, exceptionally rare, numerical indicators.

I have certainly agonized over what numbers I favor. There are 90 numbers that contain 2 digits the same. Definitely play one of the 90. Realistically, none of my indicators are solidly present to make a very informed decision. As to playing one of the 90, I am rating this play an 8 on a scale of 10 with 10 being best.

My personal selections are 996, 667, 889, 998, 011, 116, 993, 988, and 663. Someone asked me if I was going to play one number what would it be and at this moment it would be 011. Thank you for your patience and confidence. Best Regards and the odds of me making a successful recommendation are 973 to 1 against. Don

Sunday, June 3, 2001 - 10:15 pm - On June 2nd I recommended 996, 889, 997, 114, 223, 661 and the result was 096. The rating for this play was 5.

For Monday June 4, I am recommending 993, 667, 889, 998, 330, 112, 113, 663, 988. The odds of being correct are 973 to 1 against accuracy. I am assigning a rating of 7 on a scale of 10 with 10 being the best. My favorite in the group is 667 and 112. Best Regards, Don.

Saturday, June 2, 2001 - 9:15 pm - After a long break in Pick 3 play, I began with a recommendation which included 350, a derivative of last nights number. 350 was one selection which contained 12 or 30 which I expected to arrive beginning May 17th. I selected numbers to go with 12 and 30 which I believed had the best potential for readers. The other numbers I selected all had two digits containing 58, 67 or 49. I did the same procedure with those numbers and used 61 computer programs to try and select the third digits. I also played 2 numbers that had a total digit sum of 17 which were 458 and 467 and a total digit sum of 8 like 125 and 350. When 278 arrived the total sum of 17 arrived as I had anticipated but was the incorrect number. The next day 946 arrived which had one of the elements I spoke of earlier. Of course, 349 also had the 49 in it but again, my third digit was incorrect. On Monday, the number 719 arrived and I had recommended 799 and 779 due to my belief that the sum of the two digits in the first and last position would be a 7 and 9, again missing on the third digit.

On Wednesday, the play most highly regarded by me having the two digits 12 or 03 arrived in the form of 038, again missing the third digit until Friday when 035 did arrive, having a total sum of eight and the digit 03 or 12 in it. So, for those of you who are wondering what I am talking about when I say "elements arrived", I am talking about a variety of numerical indicators I have told the computer to look at.

Within this analysis, I try to provide the players a rating based on a subjective assessment of how rare or common the play or the numbers provided are. In the case mentioned, the 12 and 03 it wasn't very rare at all.

For tonight, Saturday, June 2, 2001, I have recommended 996,889,997,114,223, and 661 with a rating of five. All my recommendations are double digits, a number containing 2 of the same digits. Should the Pick 3 drawing contain a number having 3 different digits tonight, I will have a play for Monday which will open with a rating of 7 simply due to the rarity of the numerical position of the numbers.

I know this play has been a financial disaster however, as you can conclude, all my "elements" did arrive but not in the form I expected.

I will continue to study hard to provide readers of the absolute best chance for profits available. Best Regards, Don

(Sorry for not posting this earlier but I've been gone all day.)

Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 9:00 am - To the readers of The number 038 contained many of the elements in my recommendations of 330 and 320. And as I have explained, this play from the beginning was very mediocre and never assigned a higher rating than 5. However, I have some good news in that a very good play is shaping up with excellent potential and will be playable beginning on Monday. For now, I am recommending 996, 889, 997, 114, 223, 661. Best Regards, Don

Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 9:15 am - To the readers of Ouch! 997 or 797 or 799 is not 719. Yes, you are right, I am changing the numbers. I am eliminatiing 997 and 828. I am recommending the following numbers for Tuesday. They are 112, 221, 330, 998, 320 and 120. Remember, this play could improve in rating significantly by the end of the week. Right now it is still a five. Best Regards, Don

Monday, May 28, 2001 - 10:40 pm - From Dawn - Well, I don't know about Don's play, but my favorites have definitely got to be changed - you see, I was banking on seeing 19X, 22X, 99X in a play real soon and 19 did show up - but it was 719 and not 991. That's the story of my life. And I was really positive about the 19 too. Oh well, now I have it narrowed down to 22 and 99 in a play and I KNOW they will show up - I just hope I have the right 3rd digit. So now, my favorites are 122, 998, 330, 320, 120. And after I see what Don says, I may add to this. But again I warn you not to play my picks. I have proven to you over and over - I miss the 3rd digit!

Monday, May 28, 2001 - 9:20 am - To the readers of I began prediction number nine with a series of combination numbers, those having three different digits, and assigned a rating of 5. I had to downgrade the rating of the play as many of my indicators arrived but I was unsuccessful at selecting the correct number within my indicators.

Continuing with prediction number nine, I am recommending the following numbers, 112, 221, 330, 997, 828 and 2 combination type numbers, 320 and 120. You will notice that most of the selections are now double digits and my favorites are 112, 122. Due to the positional arrangement of the Texas Pick 3 Game, I am raising this rating to a five with potential to improve. This could be an eight rating or possibly nine by the end of the week. So, for those of you who have read my writings about there only being 8, 9, or 10 rating a few times a year, I am hoping that this might materialize. Keep reading and respond to the very important petition as to keeping the lottery games fair to the players. Best Regards,

(Ya'll keep in mind that his play will become a 8, 9 or 10 IF it does not come in before the end of the week. So, no offense intended, but I sure hope it comes in before it reaches its high rating!!! And for those of you who are asking what I my favorites are, well, they are 122, 991, 120, 330, 998. I'm sure mine WON'T be drawn so don't say I didn't warn you!)

Friday, May 25, 2001 - 8:45 am - From Don - I am recommending the following numbers with a rating of four for Friday, May 25, 2001. They are 330, 112, 122, 125, 350, 300. The odds of this selection being correct are 976 to 1. For those of you who have been waiting for the rating to improve, there is a possibility of that occurring beginning Monday. Best Regards, Don

Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 8:30 am - From Don - To the readers of Occasionally one buys the wrong stock, bets on the wrong horse, makes the wrong decision at work, invests in the wrong business, makes poor choices in general. Perhaps some of you are expecting me to come forward and say I made a mistake. To you I would say, absolutely not. I continue to provide loyal readers of the best plays possible within the rating I have provided. Many of you will continue to play the pick 3 game often regardless of my request that you do not. So, I might as well give you the best chance to win that my statistics have to offer.

For those of you who continue to follow my instructions and perhaps wait on low ratings or play small amounts on low ratings and larger amounts on higher ratings this particular play has NOT and probably will NOT be a profitable endeavor. We will make up for it when the rating goes up and the potential for larger rewards presents itself. So, for May 24, 2001 I am recommending the same numbers with the same rating of 4 and I have developed a favorite of 330 within the choices provided. Best Regards, Don

Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 9:15 am - From Don - To the readers of Again, with only a 14% chance of having two of the correct digits I need not inform your readers that 125 and 821 are NOT 185. I am working hard to provide you the absolute best play possible and for May 23, 2001, I am recommending the same numbers as previously offered with the same odds as previously provided. I did find one more number with excellent potential. The number is 330. Best Regards, Don

Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 8:30 am - From Don - To the readers of The number 946 also had elements I am looking for. When I say that, I mean I selected a number like 495 any and the number 496 any occurred which, using my methods are very similar besides having a numerical relationship. So in the four days I have recommended pick 3 play, 3 of the days have had numbers nearly identical to the elements I am looking for. Now nearly identical has no reward whatsoever and I am constantly aware of that. So, again I must change the numbers for play and continue with a rating of 4 with 10 being the strongest on this play. The numbers are 821, 122, 210, 112, 125 and 230. Any of these numbers are good plays to condition out (112 is really 112,211,121). The odds of success or picking the correct number are 970 to 1 against. Make sure to keep reading for all the current news. Best Regards,

Sunday, May 20, 2001 - 10:45 PM
- To the readers of Monday is the fourth day of Pick 3 play even though we waited, right Dawn, about a month. It seems like an eternity when I am making a play. I am recommending the same numbers (350, 125, 679, 495, 122) and am adding the exact number 230. The odds of a correct recommendation are 972 to 1 against. I am doing something unusual with this play and lowering the rating to a 4 as the number 047 and 278 both had characteristics I looked for. Best Regards, Don

May 19, 2001 - 3:45 PM - I provided recommendations to readers totaling 10 numbers and 2 favorites. The number 047 had many elements I was looking for as 340 and 467 contain. Thus, for two reasons I must provide new numbers. First, the day on an "any" type wager is important to gain profits. Second, I must reduce the amount of numbers to try and obtain profits. Although I had to discount many very good numbers we must attempt to maximize profits, not hit the correct number and lose money. Thus, For Saturday, I am recommending 350, 125, 679, 495 and 122. Best Regards, Don

May 18, 2001 - 10:00 AM - The number 826 did not affect the recommendation. I continue to give this play a mediocre 5 rating and although this play is solid it is not near as good a play as we will find during the course of Pick3 play. Remember that waiting and not playing the game until the rating improves is always an option. I am committed to providing readers of excellent plays and I endeavor to submit a rating so that the players can decide the level of risk they choose to take. Best Regards, Don

Posted May 17, 2001 - 10:45 AM - For Thursday, May 17th, 2001, I am recommending 10 numbers in the any form of play. The numbers are 130, 123, 124, 125, 340, 350, 458, 467, 459, 567.

I favor 340 and 125 in that group for Thursday. I expect this forecast, should it not occur immediately, to change in many ways so make sure to read for current news.

This is not as strong as many of my previous plays and I am rating this play a 5 on a scale of 10 with 10 being excellent. Best Regards, Don

(For publication unless personal circumstances make it too burdensome. As always, I wish you well. Don)

Don's 8th Prediction
Cease Play -

(3-26-01 thru 4-6-01)

April 7, 2001 - 10:50 AM - My deepest apologies to the readers of but as you have witnessed, I gave you the absolute best play I could devise.

A summary of prediction 8 includes play beginning on March 26, 2001 with odds of 990 to 1 against me. On March 30th, I recommended six numbers at odds of 992 to 1 against me. Unfortunately, I was forced to re-evaluate after one of my indicators arrived and I changed the numbers, discounting the exact play recommended of 182 and favoring other numbers 3 days ago.

It is my hope that many of the loyal readers of placed a 1 as the digit of choice in the first position with all the recommended middle and last digits. We must stop playing the Pick3 game now until another outstanding play potential arrives. I am quite certain that most of the readership will be absolutely shocked that such events as selecting numbers with 990 to 1 odds me are even possible.

Although this play was a very very good play, there will be others and when there are, I'll let you know. I wish you well and of course, best regards, Don

(Don, no apology is necessary. You told us EXACTLY what to play as the last two digits and they came on the 11th day. They were x19, x91, x28, x82, x37, x73, x46, x64, x55. And you never changed the recommendation of playing these last two digits in the Pick3 game. Just because your favorites didn't come in doesn't mean that you owe us an apology. Now, you CAN apologize for it taking 11 days - that I think you should improve on. <big, big grin> Anyway, if the day ever comes that you tell us all 3 digits consistently, that's the day you'll see the Pick3 cease to be a game offered in Texas. I'll take your two digits anytime so keep writing so I can continue to donate to this fine state of ours! OK? And my readers appreciate & like you too.)

April 6, 2001 - 10:40 PM - CEASE PLAY - From Dawn - It took 11 days this time which is the longest I've ever seen one of Don's plays take to come in, but 182 is the one that came out. In the end, it wasn't his favorite, but it was definitely what he said to play originally. And I had it every day until tonight when I changed my favorite to 582. There's a word for this, but I definitely can't print it. Congratulations to those of you who had it. We'll have to wait now and see what Don says to do next. There is another play, but I don't know if the time is right in his opinion.

April 6, 2001- 10:30 AM - To the players of; Continue to play the recommended outcomes. Don

April 5, 2001- 10:15 AM -To the players of I realize nine days of Pick3 play is an incredible length of time and expense. Simply put though, you are getting the best information based on my success ratios that is possible. Due to the type of play (exact) it is much more difficult to arrive at the day of the indicator. For those of you who have read all my writings and chose to wait as a strategy until now, wait no longer. I must elevate this play to a nine. The next three days will be very interesting and entertaining.

I also want to take a moment to explain that I or we are NOT playing overdue numbers, infrequent numbers, hot numbers, or cold numbers.

If you subscribe to you will find a long list of numbers that have never arrived. Thus, I am not reasoning that numbers that have never arrived are due. Be very confident that I have reviewed every potential statistic I have on this play and therefore, I am recommending the same numbers as shown on April 4, 2001. Best Regards, Don

April 4, 2001- 9:45 AM -To the readers of A primary indicator arrived last night (April 3rd). Thus, I must change all the numbers but all will have the same positional digits in the middle and last position. My favorite numbers are 173, 719, 555, 491, 264, 628, 355, 537, 582, 946, 855, 673 and 082. Of those, my favorite is 555, 173, 719, and 491. The odds of my success are 986 to against my success. I am still giving this play a rating of 8. Read for latest updates and of course, best regards. Don

April 3, 2001- 10 AM - I am adding three numbers to my favorites after the occurrence of 388 on Monday. They are 082, 173 and 179. I now have 9 favorite selections and there are 1000 potential outcomes. The odds of my success are 991 to 1. I will raise the rating to a 9 on Thursday should none of my indicators arrive. Best Regards, Don

April 1, 2001- 11 AM - Since I began writing a column on Dawn's web-site there have been approxmiately 150 pick 3 games. If you followed my recommendations you played approxmiately 38 times or 25% of the time. I have provided the readers with 2 exact hits 000 and 344, 1 any hit on the exact day(697), 3 any or exact hits depending on how you played, and one miss although it's very good to know that some of you out there disobeyed my instructions and played 911 and hit that. Although I don't like it when you disobey the instructions if you can obtain profits, I'm all for that!! I'm telling you this now because I am absolutely sure that these positional digits as I call them will arrive and when they do I want the players out there to win some very big money rewards. To reiterate, the middle and back pair positions are x19, x91, x28, x82, x37, x73, x46, x64, x55. My favorites have not changed but I usually study quite a bit prior to Monday's and if they do I will immediately inform you. Best Regards, Don,

March 30, 2001- 9 AM - For Friday, March 30th, I am recommending 037, 073, 219, 291, 128, 182. I must admit sometimes this game is difficult to watch. 2......9......1 no 9. If you know what I mean. It is only my hope that someone read the odds as the number and obtained some profits. (Just joking) Of course the odds are 994 to 1 against my success. The odds of the worst sports teams winning the championships of their sport are usually only 250 to 1. This is about 4 times harder and that's why this game is so fascinating. Remember, this is an EXACT play Dawn. Best Regards, Don

From Dawn - 3-30-01 - Well, Don's got a sense of humor after all. He reached in his pocket and brought out that smile! What ya'll don't know is that the numbers drawn last night - 299 - was Don's next predicted play. He and I have been discussing the "99" for over two weeks now and I had 299, 998, 899 all week long until last night when I decided to wait until next week to play it because the 698 was drawn. I told you, I have rotten luck and it's beginning to get the best of me. I suppose the good news is that we still have the same play with fewer numbers - except I'm still going to play 991 & 919 & 998 & 019 along with the others. And I might even convince my husband to go buy 555 & 064. Shoot - I might as well get his money involved too! (Just kidding.) Good luck to us all.

March 29, 2001- 10 AM - I am raising the rating of this play to an eight. I am eliminating 2 numbers previously selected as my favorites. My favorites are now 037, 073, 219, 291, 128, 182, 919, 991. The odds are 992 to 1 against success. Remember, play EXACT. Best Regards,

March 29, 2001 - 1:45 PM - From Dawn - Congratulations to all of you who wrote to tell me that you won last night playing the Lotto by targeting number "43." Yes, it could have been a 6 of 6 win by using the Lotto Report. For those of you who haven't a clue as to what I am saying, go to the "Fun Page" to see. (Link in left column) It's just my suggestion on how to use and win using the Lotto Report when playing Cash 5 and Lotto Texas. Those were also perfect "baby boomers birthday" numbers drawn. So - now - let's win the Pick3 tonight! I'm going to play 091, 128, 991, 291, and 073 - these are my favorites - and even though I know Don is gonna get mad at me for saying this, but I'm gonna play these numbers exact/any a couple of times and exact once.

March 28, 2001- 9 AM - We are going into our third day of Pick3 play. The number 698 did not change the numbers selected. I am still rating the play a 7. Best Regards, Don

Posted Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 5PM - 8th Prediction - From Don - On March 8th at 11:15 I wrote, "of these numbers, perhaps it is an irony in that my favorite number is 911." Again, on March 10th, I wrote "I am suggesting the same numbers as previously listed with a favorite of 911 and 191 within it".

On March 22nd, 911 occurred, 8 lottery days after I recommended it. Thus, it is not good enough to have the correct numbers, you must have the approximate day, even on a 997 to 1 selection. You also must make the correct type of wager after selecting the numbers and approximate day. I provided that scenario (exact day and number on prediction 6, a rare event even with my level of study)

Moving on to prediction number 8, I, believe the above facts give the players some context of my accuracy or lack of it. I am rating the following play a 7 to begin with on a scale of 10 with 10 being the best.

The play is an exact type wager. I am recommending that players play x19, x91, x28, x82, x37, x73, x46, x64, x55. Obviously, the first digit is unknown. You have a 90 to 1 chance of selecting the correct digit (10 possible times 9 outcomes) to win $500 per one dollar unit. I have a few favorites in the group and they are 037, 073, 219, 291, 128, 182, 919, 991, 228, 282. Out of that group my favorites are 291, 991 and 219. Best Regards and always read for the latest news and updates. Don


Don's 5th, 6th, & 7th Predictions
Don's 4th Prediction

Dons's 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Predictions

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The Lotto Report

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