Revised: Jan 14, 2025
Originally Posted: Nov 12, 2003


- All About The Texas Lottery -
Pick3 Stats &
Pick3 Sum Theory

Texas Previous Drawing Results/Winning Numbers
Lotto Texas, Texas Lotto, Pick3, Daily4, Cash 5,
Texas 2 Step, All or Nothing, Powerball, Power Play,
Mega Millions, Megaplier - Click here.


Shown below is the last date the "sum
of the Texas Pick3 digits" were drawn.

1st Chart - Pick 3 Night Draw
2nd Chart - Pick 3 Day Draw

If you don't understand "summing" the digits, scroll down to
the bottom of this page for the explanation about the Sum Theory.

If you want to see the Pick3 combinations that equals the
"sum of all three digits," see Don's chart ... click here

If you want to print this chart, I recommend "selecting" the table,
choose "Print Selection Only" then it should print nicely for you.

Daily 4 - The Unscrupulous/Unfair Wager - BEWARE
I can't believe the TLC is selling such a wager - but they are.
A must read story for all players. FYI - A complaint was filed
with the Attorney General. (Posted 10/15/07) Click here.

As Requested For Years ... Here it is!
"Numbers Frequency" plus more for Pick3. Shows times drawn
by position broken down by draw - morning, day, evening and night.
Originally posted 9/9/13 - updated daily -
Click here

Order A Pick3 Combination Report
Shows all Pick3 Combinations and when they
were drawn. Click here to order.

Pick3 Morning Draw - 10 AM
Ready for P3 Morning Draw on 1/15/25
- First "Morning" Drawing -
Sept 9, 2013
New Balls

Info For EXACT Players
Good Luck!
(A Strike Thru Indicates The Pair
Has Been Drawn Since Sun, 11/17/24)

2 of the 3
Pick3 Digits
That Equals
This Sum

First Two Last Two First & Last All 3 Digits
Equaled this
The 2 Digits
To Play
That Equal
This Sum
Last Time The

"First Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
Last Time The

"Last Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
00 12-04-24 12-07-24 01-04-25 02-09-16 00

7-2-X - 07-24-23 - 39
5-6-X - 08-08-23 - 20
6-4-X - 09-08-23 - 22
6-8-X - 09-22-23 - 39
8-7-X - 09-27-23 - 32
8-1-X - 01-02-24 - 34
6-7-X - 01-19-24 - 34
1-9-X - 01-22-24 - 28
9-6-X - 02-16-24 - 31
1-3-X - 02-26-24 - 35
5-2-X - 02-29-24 - 28
4-2-X - 03-11-24 - 33
0-5-X - 03-27-24 - 29
5-4-X - 04-05-24 - 37
0-4-X - 04-11-24 - 30
5-8-X - 04-19-24 - 36
9-5-X - 04-20-24 - 38
4-5-X - 04-26-24 - 38
4-1-X - 05-08-24 - 44
7-5-X - 05-13-24 - 31
8-9-X - 05-22-24 - 33
9-4-X - 06-05-24 - 32
7-3-X - 06-06-24 - 39
3-7-X - 06-07-24 - 34
5-7-X - 06-10-24 - 36
8-0-X - 06-15-24 - 35
4-3-X - 06-22-24 - 29
8-8-X - 06-26-24 - 39
0-6-X - 06-27-24 - 43
8-5-X - 06-28-24 - 39
0-3-X - 07-03-24 - 37
3-5-X - 07-05-24 - 42
6-3-X - 07-08-24 - 43
6-5-X - 07-15-24 - 27
9-3-X - 07-22-24 - 28
3-4-X - 07-26-24 - 38
2-9-X - 07-30-24 - 36
5-5-X - 08-13-24 - 30
2-2-X - 08-14-24 - 36
5-3-X - 08-22-24 - 35
4-0-X - 08-27-24 - 48
7-1-X - 08-28-24 - 37
1-2-X - 08-29-24 - 44
9-1-X - 08-30-24 - 33
3-8-X - 08-31-24 - 32
1-1-X - 09-02-24 - 27
2-8-X - 09-03-24 - 42
9-7-X - 09-06-24 - 32
2-6-X - 09-07-24 - 46
6-1-X - 09-09-24 - 33

X-4-3 - 05-19-23 - 27
X-4-9 - 09-08-23 - 28
X-4-4 - 10-20-23 - 28
X-5-4 - 11-25-23 - 41
X-9-3 - 11-30-23 - 37
X-5-9 - 12-16-23 - 35
X-3-3 - 12-26-23 - 43
X-7-7 - 12-30-23 - 33
X-9-1 - 02-07-24 - 32
X-5-6 - 03-02-24 - 26
X-3-1 - 03-04-24 - 34
X-2-6 - 03-07-24 - 38
X-2-7 - 03-11-24 - 23
X-6-1 - 04-03-24 - 37
X-1-0 - 04-06-24 - 32
X-4-6 - 04-11-24 - 37
X-6-2 - 04-24-24 - 32
X-5-3 - 04-26-24 - 41
X-7-0 - 04-27-24 - 43
X-1-5 - 05-03-24 - 30
X-8-9 - 05-06-24 - 38
X-5-2 - 05-07-24 - 24
X-0-0 - 05-10-24 - 28
X-5-1 - 05-13-24 - 34
X-8-1 - 05-18-24 - 36
X-2-3 - 05-20-24 - 33
X-3-9 - 05-24-24 - 33
X-7-8 - 05-25-24 - 37
X-8-7 - 06-03-24 - 43
X-0-1 - 06-14-24 - 36
X-3-4 - 06-17-24 - 31
X-5-5 - 06-21-24 - 28
X-6-3 - 06-27-24 - 35
X-7-4 - 06-29-24 - 35
X-8-8 - 07-01-24 - 26
X-3-2 - 07-08-24 - 41
X-0-5 - 07-10-24 - 33
X-9-4 - 07-11-24 - 36
X-5-8 - 07-15-24 - 47
X-6-9 - 07-19-24 - 30
X-1-2 - 07-20-24 - 26
X-3-6 - 07-22-24 - 39
X-4-0 - 07-26-24 - 26
X-8-4 - 07-31-24 - 48
X-2-2 - 08-01-24 - 46
X-9-9 - 08-08-24 - 38
X-5-7 - 08-13-24 - 26
X-0-6 - 08-16-24 - 22
X-1-1 - 08-17-24 - 36
X-3-7 - 08-22-24 – 30

01 01-04-25 01-04-25 12-02-24 01-04-25 01
02 01-02-25 12-17-24 01-06-25 12-04-24 02,11
03 01-08-25 11-07-24 10-01-24 11-07-24 21,03
04 12-30-24 01-01-25 01-02-25 07-09-24 22,31,04
05 01-14-25 01-09-25 01-08-25 12-07-24 32,41,05
06 01-06-25 01-08-25 11-28-24 01-02-25 33,51,42,06
07 11-22-24 01-07-25 12-13-24 01-08-25 43,61,07,52
08 12-27-24 01-06-25 01-07-25 01-06-25 44,53,62,71,80
09 01-07-25 11-29-24 01-09-25 01-01-25 54,63,81,09,72
10 01-09-25 01-10-25 01-14-25 12-27-24 55,64,82,73,91
11 11-25-24 12-20-24 11-26-24 12-26-24 65,83,74,92
12 12-24-24 12-10-24 11-27-24 01-09-25 66,93,84,75
13 10-16-24 01-14-25 01-10-25 12-18-24 76,94,58
14 01-13-25 01-13-25 12-19-24 01-14-25 77,86,59
15 01-10-25 09-23-24 12-09-24 11-23-24 87,96
16 11-26-24 11-16-24 10-29-24 12-31-24 88,97
17 10-17-24 12-24-24 12-20-24 12-10-24 98
18 01-11-25 01-11-25 01-13-25 11-04-24 99
19 01-10-25
20 12-20-24
21 12-24-24
22 12-28-24
23 01-13-25
24 09-23-24
25 09-06-24
26 08-11-23
27 01-11-25

First Morning Drawing - Sept 9, 2013

Pick3 Day Draw - 12:27 PM
Ready for Pick3 Draw on 1/15/25
New Balls
Info For EXACT Players
Good Luck!
(A Strike Thru Indicates The Pair
Has Been Drawn Since Sun, 11/17/24)
2 of the 3
Pick3 Digits
That Equals
This Sum
First Two Last Two First & Last All 3 Digits
Equaled this
The 2 Digits
To Play
That Equal
This Sum
Last Time The

"First Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
Last Time The

"Last Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
00 11/09/24 10/19/24 01/11/25 12/25/19 00

27x - 05-29-23 - 68
69x - 08-05-23 - 63
93x - 08-29-23 - 65
50x - 10-30-23 - 60
24x - 11-16-23 - 61
42x - 11-25-23 - 58
16x - 01-18-24 - 71
32x - 02-16-24 - 65
55x - 03-09-24 - 62
11x - 03-18-24 - 72
88x - 03-21-24 - 70
68x - 03-27-24 - 97
57x - 04-10-24 - 65
35x - 04-16-24 - 69
99x - 04-22-24 - 82
79x - 05-02-24 - 69
18x - 05-04-24 - 80
72x - 05-10-24 - 62
58x - 05-16-24 - 78
32x - 05-17-24 - 66
31x - 05-18-24 - 61
09x - 05-29-24 - 67
37x - 05-30-24 - 68
90x - 05-31-24 - 63
49x - 06-03-24 - 79
40x - 06-10-24 - 77
01x - 06-12-24 - 68
21x - 06-14-24 - 91
22x - 06-26-24 - 69
54x - 06-29-24 - 69
96x - 07-03-24 - 66
64x - 07-05-24 - 57
34x - 07-08-24 - 63
97x - 07-13-24 - 74
04x - 07-15-24 - 68
77x - 07-16-24 - 61
14x - 07-17-24 - 67
08x - 07-27-24 - 61
53x - 08-01-24 - 74
19x - 08-03-24 - 75
81x - 08-05-24 - 66
84x - 08-09-24 - 85
71x - 08-12-24 - 64
12x - 08-19-24 - 71
59x - 08-20-24 - 71
44x - 08-22-24 - 68
89x - 08-24-24 - 66
80x - 08-27-24 - 46
52x - 08-30-24 - 76
66x - 09-02-24 - 64


x89 - 07-26-23 - 72
x80 - 10-06-23 - 67
x44 - 11-16-23 - 66
x13 - 12-11-23 - 55
x63 - 12-28-23 - 67
x72 - 02-07-24 - 76
x20 - 02-22-24 - 67
x67 - 02-27-24 - 122
x90 - 02-29-24 - 83
x08 - 03-01-24 - 60
x91 - 03-11-24 - 74
x16 - 03-12-24 - 72
x56 - 03-13-24 - 79
x66 - 03-16-24 - 69
x57 - 03-26-24 - 69
x24 - 03-30-24 - 69
x81 - 04-12-24 - 71
x03 - 04-18-24 - 55
x76 - 04-27-24 - 74
x48 - 05-15-24 - 76
x21 - 05-17-24 - 77
x18 - 05-18-24 - 78
x28 - 05-20-24 - 64
x73 - 05-25-24 - 77
x26 - 06-04-24 - 83
x12 - 06-14-24 - 70
x70 - 06-22-24 - 71
x30 - 06-25-24 - 62
x94 - 06-27-24 - 69
x49 - 06-29-24 - 69
x41 - 07-11-24 - 71
x43 - 07-15-24 - 70
x47 - 07-17-24 - 61
x83 - 07-18-24 - 70
x29 - 07-19-24 - 63
x14 - 07-20-24 - 74
x31 - 07-22-24 - 66
x97 - 07-31-24 - 75
x92 - 08-08-24 - 80
x42 - 08-09-24 - 54
x19 - 08-12-24 - 56
x53 - 08-14-24 - 66
x86 - 08-15-24 - 52
x07 - 08-16-24 - 77
x99 - 08-20-24 - 75
x45 - 08-22-24 - 61
x35 - 08-23-24 - 68
x95 - 08-24-24 - 67
x04 - 08-28-24 - 72
x74 - 08-29-24 - 69

01 11/21/24 12/09/24 10/18/24 10/27/23 01
02 01/03/25 11/29/24 10/19/24 10/19/24 02,11
03 12/16/24 12/11/24 01/10/25 06/25/24 21,03
04 12/12/24 12/16/24 12/11/24 11/08/24 22,31,04
05 12/03/24 12/18/24 12/17/24 07/11/24 32,41,05
06 12/13/24 12/31/24 11/28/24 11/21/24 33,51,42,06
07 12/30/24 01/09/25 12/16/24 12/16/24 43,61,07,52
08 01/11/25 01/11/25 01/07/25 01/11/25 44,53,62,71,80
09 01/10/25 12/06/24 01/08/25 01/09/25 54,63,81,09,72
10 01/14/25 01/10/25 01/14/25 01/03/25 55,64,82,73,91
11 01/13/25 12/26/24 01/13/25 01/10/25 65,83,74,92
12 01/04/25 01/01/25 01/04/25 12/31/24 66,93,84,75
13 01/01/25 11/28/24 01/01/25 01/07/25 76,94,58
14 01/08/25 01/06/25 01/02/25 12/18/24 77,86,59
15 12/20/24 11/30/24 12/30/24 01/08/25 87,96
16 07/13/24 01/13/25 09/10/24 01/06/25 88,97
17 12/21/24 09/17/24 11/30/24 01/02/25 98
18 04/22/24 01/14/25 08/26/24 12/07/24 99
19 1st Day Draw - 04/29/02 01/14/25
20 11/15/24
21 09/06/24
22 11/07/24
23 11/30/24
24 12/20/24
25 09/29/23
26 08/23/21
27 07/03/21

Pick3 Evening Draw - 6 PM
Ready for P3 Draw on 01/14/25
New Balls
Info For EXACT Players
Good Luck!
(A Strike Thru Indicates The Pair
Has Been Drawn Since Sun, 11/17/24)

2 of the 3
Pick3 Digits
That Equals
This Sum

First Two Last Two First & Last All 3 Digits
Equaled this
The 2 Digits
To Play
That Equal
This Sum


- First "Evening" Drawing -
Sept 9, 2013
Last Time The

"First Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
Last Time The

"Last Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
00 10-14-24 08-24-24 01-02-25 04-17-20 00

6-8-X - 07-18-23 - 34
2-2-X - 10-09-23 - 44
4-5-X - 12-02-23 - 30
0-7-X - 01-05-24 - 25
3-4-X - 01-12-24 - 33
0-1-X - 01-20-24 - 37
4-9-X - 02-08-24 - 43
0-4-X - 02-17-24 - 31
3-7-X - 02-21-24 - 41
5-2-X - 02-27-24 - 37
9-8-X - 03-08-24 - 34
3-2-X - 03-16-24 - 31
5-3-X - 03-20-24 - 30
9-2-X - 03-22-24 - 31
7-0-X - 03-23-24 - 37
5-5-X - 04-13-24 - 36
2-4-X - 04-15-24 - 31
1-0-X - 05-02-24 - 43
1-9-X - 05-10-24 - 37
5-1-X - 05-11-24 - 36
6-6-X - 05-13-24 - 36
8-0-X - 05-16-24 - 38
4-3-X - 05-18-24 - 25
9-7-X - 05-25-24 - 43
6-7-X - 05-31-24 - 39
9-9-X - 06-10-24 - 38
4-8-X - 06-13-24 - 33
3-8-X - 06-14-24 - 34
8-3-X - 06-25-24 - 37
4-6-X - 07-03-24 - 27
2-5-X - 07-06-24 - 41
8-2-X - 07-08-24 - 33
1-8-X - 07-15-24 - 35
3-0-X - 07-20-24 - 37
1-3-X - 07-25-24 - 30
8-9-X - 07-31-24 - 37
7-9-X - 08-01-24 - 33
8-4-X - 08-02-24 - 42
2-7-X - 08-03-24 - 38
1-2-X - 08-06-24 - 25
4-4-X - 08-08-24 - 28
0-3-X - 08-10-24 - 30
5-8-X - 08-13-24 - 35
1-7-X - 08-14-24 - 37
6-4-X - 08-19-24 - 35
7-2-X - 08-26-24 - 33
7-8-X - 08-27-24 - 32
1-6-X - 08-28-24 - 39
4-0-X - 08-29-24 - 41
2-8-X - 08-30-24 - 37

X-6-8 - 01-06-23 - 37
X-3-9 - 09-13-23 - 36
X-2-8 - 10-26-23 - 29
X-7-7 - 11-07-23 - 39
X-2-9 - 12-20-23 - 26
X-4-2 - 12-23-23 - 34
X-1-1 - 12-27-23 - 34
X-6-7 - 01-16-24 - 25
X-8-1 - 02-03-24 - 41
X-9-0 - 02-06-24 - 34
X-2-6 - 02-16-24 - 42
X-8-0 - 03-08-24 - 38
X-9-5 - 03-26-24 - 28
X-3-8 - 04-03-24 - 38
X-4-9 - 04-09-24 - 30
X-8-2 - 04-10-24 - 26
X-3-0 - 04-25-24 - 28
X-7-4 - 04-29-24 - 24
X-9-9 - 05-10-24 - 48
X-0-7 - 05-16-24 - 28
X-3-1 - 05-20-24 - 38
X-7-3 - 06-06-24 - 38
X-0-4 - 06-07-24 - 34
X-8-5 - 06-14-24 - 42
X-2-7 - 06-18-24 - 40
X-5-2 - 06-19-24 - 36
X-3-3 - 06-24-24 - 32
X-3-2 - 06-25-24 - 37
X-5-5 - 07-02-24 - 33
X-6-2 - 07-03-24 - 37
X-7-0 - 07-04-24 - 46
X-8-3 - 07-05-24 - 41
X-2-2 - 07-08-24 - 38
X-4-3 - 07-11-24 - 31
X-3-7 - 07-18-24 - 30
X-1-2 - 07-29-24 - 38
X-9-1 - 07-31-24 - 34
X-9-6 - 08-01-24 - 34
X-7-2 - 08-03-24 - 29
X-4-7 - 08-05-24 - 28
X-2-3 - 08-06-24 - 33
X-4-4 - 08-08-24 - 33
X-0-6 - 08-09-24 - 42
X-7-9 - 08-14-24 - 30
X-1-9 - 08-16-24 - 32
X-4-6 - 08-19-24 - 46
X-1-6 - 08-23-24 - 32
X-0-0 - 08-24-24 - 36
X-2-0 - 08-26-24 - 30
X-8-6 - 08-27-24 - 28

01 01-06-25 12-06-24 11-04-24 06-17-22 01
02 12-06-24 09-23-24 12-10-24 09-10-24 02,11
03 12-27-24 12-10-24 12-06-24 12-06-24 21,03
04 01-04-25 12-03-24 11-27-24 12-10-24 22,31,04
05 12-03-24 12-27-24 12-30-24 11-27-24 32,41,05
06 01-02-25 01-02-25 12-31-24 01-02-25 33,51,42,06
07 12-26-24 12-07-24 12-12-24 12-03-24 43,61,07,52
08 01-11-25 01-06-25 01-07-25 12-27-24 44,53,62,71,80
09 12-25-24 01-07-25 01-11-25 01-06-25 54,63,81,09,72
10 12-28-24 01-08-25 12-28-24 11-18-24 55,64,82,73,91
11 01-01-25 01-01-25 01-13-25 01-04-25 65,83,74,92
12 01-03-25 12-17-24 12-02-24 12-25-24 66,93,84,75
13 01-07-25 11-11-24 12-13-24 12-31-24 76,94,58
14 01-13-25 01-09-25 01-08-25 12-30-24 77,86,59
15 01-09-25 01-13-25 01-09-25 01-07-25 87,96
16 12-20-24 12-14-24 10-30-24 12-21-24 88,97
17 12-13-24 01-11-25 01-10-25 01-11-25 98
18 01-10-25 05-10-24 09-04-24 01-08-25 99
19 10-25-24
20 01-13-25
21 12-13-24
22 01-09-25
23 12-04-24
24 10-18-24
25 06-05-24
26 01-10-25
27 04-11-24

First Evening Drawing - Sept 9, 2013

Pick3 Night Draw - 10:12 PM
Ready for P3 Draw on 01/14/25
New Balls
Info For EXACT Players
Good Luck!
(A Strike Thru Indicates The Pair
Has Been Drawn Since Sun, 11/17/24)

2 of the 3
Pick3 Digits
That Equals
This Sum

First Two Last Two First & Last All 3 Digits
Equaled this
The 2 Digits
To Play
That Equal
This Sum
Last Time The

"First Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
Last Time The

"Last Two" Digits
Were Drawn
& Times Drawn
00 07/23/24 12/04/24 02/16/24 08/25/22 00

7-3-X - 10/06/22 - 92
6-9-X - 04/26/23 - 100
6-5-X - 06/10/23 - 87
1-3-X - 06/22/23 - 93
2-9-X - 08/25/23 - 96
1-2-X - 09/25/23 - 94
9-9-X - 10/16/23 - 104
4-1-X - 11/25/23 - 96
5-9-X - 12/20/23 - 104
7-2-X - 01/05/24 - 110
4-6-X - 01/17/24 - 88
8-9-X - 01/30/24 - 88
6-4-X - 02/02/24 - 124
1-9-X - 02/08/24 - 88
9-8-X - 02/17/24 - 91
0-2-X - 02/19/24 - 85
2-6-X - 03/06/24 - 93
6-6-X - 03/27/24 - 97
7-9-X - 04/15/24 - 95
5-1-X - 04/17/24 - 95
4-7-X - 04/29/24 - 99
5-7-X - 05/01/24 - 92
0-9-X - 05/04/24 - 106
6-3-X - 05/25/24 - 100
5-3-X - 06/12/24 - 95
8-4-X - 06/14/24 - 93
5-2-X - 06/15/24 - 79
8-1-X - 06/19/24 - 112
7-6-X - 06/25/24 - 90
2-5-X - 06/27/24 - 93
5-8-X - 07/06/24 - 118
3-5-X - 07/11/24 - 95
6-0-X - 07/12/24 - 97
5-4-X - 07/13/24 - 88
3-9-X - 07/15/24 - 106
0-0-X - 07/23/24 - 96
8-7-X - 07/24/24 - 101
9-2-X - 07/25/24 - 85
7-1-X - 07/26/24 - 120
2-2-X - 07/30/24 - 90
9-6-X - 08/02/24 - 105
3-1-X - 08/08/24 - 93
5-5-X - 08/12/24 - 95
0-8-X - 08/13/24 - 96
1-5-X - 08/14/24 - 87
6-1-X - 08/15/24 - 92
7-0-X - 08/17/24 - 103
6-2-X - 08/21/24 - 121
4-8-X - 08/23/24 - 106
3-6-X - 08/24/24 - 86

X-9-4 - 05/01/23 - 99
X-7-8 - 08/30/23 - 101
X-1-6 - 10/06/23 - 114
X-0-3 - 10/21/23 - 88
X-9-5 - 10/25/23 - 95
X-6-2 - 11/22/23 - 87
X-6-5 - 01/18/24 - 85
X-9-1 - 02/10/24 - 107
X-4-0 - 02/28/24 - 110
X-3-5 - 03/08/24 - 83
X-2-7 - 03/13/24 - 88
X-3-0 - 03/18/24 - 97
X-9-6 - 03/20/24 - 96
X-9-3 - 03/30/24 - 103
X-8-5 - 04/01/24 - 89
X-4-8 - 04/11/24 - 105
X-9-2 - 04/15/24 - 98
X-1-8 - 04/17/24 - 93
X-7-4 - 04/26/24 - 99
X-7-2 - 04/29/24 - 108
X-9-8 - 05/04/24 - 99
X-6-8 - 05/13/24 - 80
X-4-1 - 05/28/24 - 109
X-3-4 - 05/29/24 - 113
X-6-0 - 05/30/24 - 91
X-2-5 - 06/05/24 - 94
X-8-0 - 06/10/24 - 86
X-8-4 - 06/11/24 - 86
X-3-1 - 06/12/24 - 87
X-5-9 - 06/20/24 - 100
X-3-7 - 06/22/24 - 118
X-2-9 - 07/02/24 - 102
X-9-0 - 07/03/24 - 100
X-8-8 - 07/06/24 - 98
X-0-0 - 07/12/24 - 109
X-9-7 - 07/15/24 - 81
X-8-3 - 07/19/24 - 102
X-1-3 - 07/26/24 - 83
X-2-8 - 07/31/24 - 107
X-2-4 - 08/01/24 - 105
X-5-1 - 08/06/24 - 106
X-1-4 - 08/08/24 - 92
X-2-6 - 08/10/24 - 97
X-0-1 - 08/17/24 - 97
X-2-0 - 08/21/24 - 94
X-9-9 - 08/26/24 - 96
X-5-5 - 08/28/24 - 98
X-0-8 - 08/29/24 - 85
X-4-2 - 08/30/24 - 92
X-4-9 - 09/02/24 - 81

01 11/14/24 01/03/25 12/16/24 09/30/23 01
02 10/26/24 12/17/24 09/26/24 11/14/24 02,11
03 12/17/24 01/13/25 01/11/25 09/26/24 21,03
04 11/19/24 12/27/24 01/09/25 10/26/24 22,31,04
05 01/06/25 12/10/24 12/31/24 12/17/24 32,41,05
06 01/03/25 01/11/25 12/18/24 11/19/24 33,51,42,06
07 01/07/25 12/25/24 01/13/25 01/03/25 43,61,07,52
08 09/21/24 12/24/24 12/25/24 01/01/25 44,53,62,71,80
09 01/11/25 12/16/24 01/10/25 01/11/25 54,63,81,09,72
10 01/13/25 01/09/25 12/27/24 01/13/25 55,64,82,73,91
11 01/10/25 12/30/24 01/07/25 11/26/24 65,83,74,92
12 12/07/24 01/10/25 12/19/24 01/09/25 66,93,84,75
13 01/04/25 12/18/24 12/24/24 12/19/24 76,94,58
14 12/30/24 12/13/24 12/09/24 12/27/24 77,86,59
15 12/20/24 12/28/24 01/04/25 01/07/25 87,96
16 09/30/24 01/04/25 11/28/24 01/10/25 88,97
17 02/17/24 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/02/25 98
18 01/08/25 12/23/24 11/27/24 12/03/24 99
19 11/07/24
20 12/30/24
21 10/01/24
22 01/04/25
23 12/28/24
24 11/27/24
25 04/11/23
26 01/08/25
27 05/10/19

- The Pick3 Sum Theory -

Many players pick Pick3 pairs based on how "overdue" the sum of two digits are.
And often times, this can really pay off. What you'll find is that you may pick the sum of
five to come as the first two digits and then you may pick the total sum of all three digits
to equal eight. Well, when the drawing is over, you may find that you were right on target
for the total sum of eight, but missed the sum of five as the first two digits. And sometimes,
you might be right on both accounts.

Sometimes players pick their numbers based on "overdue" numbers. Where that
sometimes pays off is when you have a "sum" that you're looking for so it
can help you pick the pair containing that number.

As I write this message today, Nov 11, 2003, there is one beautiful stat for a
Night play but there is no assurance that it will come even though its "beautiful."
Please notice that the total sum of four has not arrived since Aug. Well, there's
only 4 ways to make the total sum of four. 130, 112, 220, 004. When Don made
his last prediction, he threw 130 in even though it didn't fit with the rest of
his play. This is WHY. And if Don were to give you a play today, this is
what it might be.

To sum the "first two digits" - Pretend the drawing results were "926."
(If you add 9 + 2, it equals eleven)

To sum the "last two digits" Pretend the results were "392."
(If you add 9 + 2, it equals eleven)

To sum the "first and last digits," pretend the results were "348."
(If you add 3 + 8, it equals eleven)

To sum "all three digits," pretend the results were "650."
(If you add 6 + 5 + 0, it equals eleven)

In each row - what you see is the total sums first, then the dates correspond to the last time
that sum was drawn. The last column tells you what 2 digits equals that total sum. You can
bet that on the date shown, the drawing results contained one of those pairs.

If you want to see all Pick3 combinations that equals the
sum of all three digits, see Don's chart ... click here.

P. O. Box 495033
Garland, Texas 75043-5033
(972) 686-0660